Apartment locating
When you venture into opportunities such as this one, you
sure should be an individual with a lot of dedication in your work and always
ready to hook up one with an apartment.
It is very much simple to become an apartment locator. You
will only need an area to work in, a laptop, telephone or cell
phone including a printer to get started. The trick is to create your own website or blog, have an email address to receive requests from people and locate apartments according to their request.
You will make money through referral fees from rental offices , apartments, condominiums and real estate structure. You can also increase your profits through sublets, apartment sharing and private real listings.
Skills Needed
- Web publishing skills
- Be a clear communicator
Consider free online courses if you lack web skills.
Academic earth
Academic earth
Cost of starting this business
$1000- $8000
For your website and other such as hosting
For your website and other such as hosting
Marketing techniques
- Create links to other website
- Buy banner Ads from other websites
- Be part of the real estate
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