This is the simplest Job one can do and has good returns. You choose the rates you want to charge and you can also start with your the closest neighbor.
Though this business happens to operate offline you will be required to have a website for communication and promotion to help you grow the business.
The type of services your business may offer
- Carpet cleaning
- Wall and ceiling washing
- floor cleaning
- furniture cleaning
- Draperies cleaning
- water, smoke and fire damage
- Air quality testing
You may be required to have some skills before you can actually start this business
- You want to know about different types of cleaning supplies, this will help you never to use wrong products on the wrong places and even help you mix different types of products to get you the results you desire.
- If your business has air quality testing as one of the services you offer then you will definitely require your self a certification to prove that you are actually capable of doing the work.
The cost of starting the business
- $1000 -$3000 is the actual cost of starting the business.
- That being said this amount will work on the development of your website and for promotional purposes
- You will also need some money for cleaning supplies and
- Certification if necessary.
The number of employees you may need
- At first you can start the business all alone, and with time you may be required to get a couple of employees. Basically the growth of the business is what determines the number of employees you need to employ.
Online Marketing techniques to help you grow bigger and better.
- Newsgroups and discussion forums
- Develop links from many websites that are are related to your business.
- Try sponsored listing campaigns.
- Offer some cleaning tips and sell cleaning products, this will most likely drive some good traffic to your site.
Some of the sites you can look into
This type of business has a lot of money if you take it serious.
It's definitely not a business for lazy people thus you must be very energetic and outgoing.
You want your customers to fall in love with your work so they can always refer people to you.
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